Friday, October 16, 2015

What am I? By Briarn

What am I
I tell the Time.
I go West to East.
I like to hang Around.
I sound like Tick Tock.
I am as round as a Circle.
I have 12 numbers on Me.
My cousins live on Wrist's.
I feel hard sometimes Cold.
I help people all around the World.

What am I?


  1. Hi Briarn,
    I think you are a clock because most of your sentences add up, first I thought you were a compass then I thought you were a watch but I guess not.
    From Kalia and Dasiy

    1. Kalia and Daisy,
      You are right I am a Clock.
      Try some other What am I by Me.

      From Briarn

  2. Hi Briarn,
    Are you a clock. It was well writen.
    From Ashley

  3. Hi Briarn,
    Room 7 think that you are a clock.
    I knew when you said it had 12 numbers. Sam
    It was an interesting story. Georgia
    I could tell it was a clock when you its cousins live on wrists. Immy

  4. Hi Briarn,
    Are you a wristwatch? Very well written and descriptive loved it!
    From Room 10
    Liam and grace and emily and kassidy 🍉🍫
