Sunday, February 23, 2014

Alien names.

Last year when Room 10 met Sandie and Kerry we started some pieces of art called Alien names.
Most people would look at them and say "cool aliens", but in actual fact they're symmetrical names made to look like "cool aliens".
we folded apiece of a4 paper in half and wrote our name on one side so it was touching the fold and the top.
We flipped it over and stenciled our names upside down starting from the wrong way.
We went over it in sharpie and then we coloured them in with all different colours.
The bits we wanted White we coloured them in with a speiceal white crayon.
after we had finished colouring them in we got the choice of dying them Green, blue, or orange.
we hung them out to dry on the drying line.
once they had finished drying we cut around them and Sandie or Kerry stapled them to the wall.

Here they are.
By Molly and Amy

1 comment:

  1. HI Room 10,

    Your alien names certainly look like creepy creatures from another planet. What 'cool aliens'!

