Thursday, August 1, 2013


Lies are evil, not good or glad, 
Lies are very, very bad.

 Some people tell them about their dog,
Some people tell them about a frog. 

Everyone could tell a lie, from a person to a fly
Don't ask me why?

Lies are found in books and movies, 
One was over a bad 'smoothie'.

Lies are told to parents and sisters, 
Some over cuts, some over blisters.

Whether a lie is good or bad, 
Its bound to make someone sad. 

By Amy


  1. Hi Amy,

    Lies are bad. They make me sad. However, the rhyming in your post has made me glad.

    I can rhyme just like you. Well done Amy. Keep writing and pushing yourself. You're a talented writer.


  2. Nice rhyming Amy and there is a good message in your poem. You are fantastic at creative writing, keep it up.

  3. Hey Amy,
    I love your poem it is a master peice.I think you could become a writer when you are older.

  4. Hi Amy
    I really like how your poem rhyme.
    Lies are really bad.You should be a poem writter when you grow up.


  5. Hi amy,
    I love your poem it has provocted me to stop telling lies.

  6. Hi Amy,

    I really like your poem. I think you have done a great job. I really like how your poem rhymes and yes lies are very bad.

  7. Hi Amy,

    You are such a great poem writer I also agree lies are very bad and great rhyming.
    You wrote a amazing poem and I agree that lying is horrible.

  8. HI Amy, great rhyming and I love the way you have got your message across. I am enjoying your poems

  9. Wow amy, thats very very true!

  10. hi amy,
    I will not lie any more thanks to your poem
    p.s you are clever at rhyming
